Thursday, December 4, 2008

All Mommy wants for Christmas....

is a silent night." This was the slogan on an infant sleeper I saw while out shopping on Black Friday. As I stood there, pitying the poor parent who felt these words resonate in their own lives, I was grateful that this time in my life had passed. No, this cozy little sleeper had no place in MY boy's closet. Indeed, with rare exception, MY boy had been soundly slumbering through the night for months now.

Little did I suspect that the Tooth Fairy would manifest herself into the Grinch who stole my Christmas spirit! Well listen here you home invading, fairy dusting, tooth snatching little pixie! Armed with only a dropper of infant Tylenol and a swab of Orajel, I WILL defeat your evil forces and safely return the boy and I back to the Land of Nod. Your pathetic enticements of future loose change are not wanted here! I will restore peace in my home!!! Sugar Plum Fairies UNITE!

Hum, I wonder if that sleeper is still on sale…..

1 comment:

Tamara said...

you are TOO funny! thanks for making me laugh! should i tell you that sam was really kind to me last night? she ate at 9:30 p.m. and again at 2 a.m. and then at 5 a.m. and is currently still sleeping (at 9 a.m.)! so i could still use that sleeper, myself, but at least it's not every 2 or 3 hours!! just remember that he won't be teething forever... the rough nights usually last a few days and then they're back to their sleeping selves.