Monday, December 1, 2008

Rough night!

Wow, I'm not sure what the deal was with Jake last night, but the poor little boy cried through most of it. And it went pretty much the same way two nights ago. I'm hoping that it isn't going to become a pattern. Maybe he's teething??? He was asleep around 8:30 pm, woke at 11:30 and didn't get back to sleep until nearly 2 a.m. then woke again at 3:15 a.m. I finally got him back to sleep around 4 this morning, putting him in his swing (which he's outgrowing as you can see from the earlier pictures).

Jake only has two bottom teeth so far. They appeared without much fanfare, but perhaps the top ones, if they are next to appear, might be the cause? Time will tell. In the meantime, I'm hoping he'll be so wiped out by last night that he sleeps soundly tonight!

1 comment:

Tamara said...

hang in there, Suzanne! teething is the most likely culprit. when davey got into that type of a pattern, i would give him infant tylenol regularly so the pain of teething would be minimized for him. it usually only lasts a few days or so. ** i'm AMAZED that you did the black friday thing WITH jake.... impressive! *** jake looks so cute in that earlier photo of him outgrowing his swing! i JUST moved davey into his 12-18 month clothing about a month ago (he's 16 months old) - he's such a peanut... weighing in around 21 pounds!