Thursday, December 11, 2008

Incoming! Watch your toes!!!

Yesterday was a real milestone in Snoop's world. In a single day he has managed to take control of his surroundings and navigate the house with amazing speed and accuracy using his walker. The walker has been around for a couple of months now, but yesterday he managed to unhook one of the seat stabilizers and gained about an inch of length, allowing him to stand flat footed and gain mobility and independence he never imaged. He was absolutely giddy when I got home last night, buzzing around the kitchen, into the living room gaining momentum to force the walker over the threshold of the entry as he sped into the master bedroom. Like a flash he was forward, backward, sideways looking backward, giggling at each turn and thrilled with his accomplishments.

What we didn't expect is how much exercise WE would get in trying to keep our toes out of the way as we finished dinner prep and tried to get it safely to the table. Unable to predict each movement, the kitchen became like a bed of hot coals as we jumped here and there trying to avoid this manic giggling child thrilled that he could now chase US around the house!

Amazing that he could master this in just a day! Oh, what fun is yet to come!

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